NC State Poet Laureate: CJ Leslie

From Deadspin

“Don’t ask how, but we got our hands on one of NCSU freshman star forward C.J. Leslie’s class assignments. It’s spectacular. It must be shared with the world.

English 289, Poetry Writing, offers “class critiquing of student work and instruction in techniques of poetry.” After reading this, we think Leslie needs to instruct the world in techniques of poetry. We present an exercise in free verse, titled “She Finally Came.””

CJ Leslie Poem Full

Carter Finley Stadium: Urine for a Real Treat


Ever find yourself in need of a bathroom at football games?  Tired of walking up stairs and waiting in lines?  Ever wish you could just … piss on the back of the guy standing in front of you?  no??  oh… right, that would be fucking disgusting if people were pissing in the stands at a football game.

Well, that didn’t stop state fans from marking their territory during Saturday’s game against Boston College.